Match day guide for seniors
Posted by Tim Greenfield on 15 September 2017
A player should feel duty bound to remain with their team after the game has finished for at least 1 hour, kitchen duties are also expected to be carried out by all team members at home games, unless due to exceptional circumstances and captain’s permission.
We DO as a club have to report to the host club by the Wednesday prior to the game, if we are NOT staying for teas at the host venue. If you are unable to stay please report to your captain, when you reply to selection texts.
Please give all team shirts to your captain/shirt monitor before leaving the playing venue, unless it is your own personal shirt.
If you would like your own shirt, see the club website, Kukri shirts are available to order via Veronica.
Team captains would like you to let them know your availability for 2 weeks at a time. Under 18 players, please check with your parents before you leave home to play, to see if you are available for 2 weeks hence.