Fantastic effort raises £750 for new pitch

Posted by Tim Greenfield on 16 July 2018

A brilliant turnout at our fundraising car wash by club members and the public helped raise £750 towards a new astro turf pitch.

Organised by the men's second team, and assisted by ladies team members, dozens of cars were washed at Louth Cattle Market on Sunday, July 15. There was also a cake stall and car boot, which helped push up the total.

The young club members worked especially hard from 7am to 1pm in the blazing hot weather. Luckily they all got soaked in the process to help them cool off!

Car wash July 15A

The event is one of many planned as the club raises funds towards the replacement of the new pitch at the London Road site.

The club's men's second team organised the car wash at Louth Cattle Market and were joined by members of the ladies team, including many hard-working youngsters. They washed cars, sold cakes and hosted a car boot stall.

Hockey club chairwoman Lesley Ward said: "On Sunday, Louth Hockey Club showed its true spirit with club members, family and supporters coming together in order to help secure funding towards a much needed replacement astro turf.  

"Young, and the not so young, turned out in force at Louth Cattle Market to wash cars, sell home baked cakes and run a car boot, raising the fantastic sum of over £748. The general public did not disappoint and turned out to support this very worthwhile project.  

"I would like to thank Louth Mayor Councillor George Horton, Louth Auctions and Car Boot, C & A Contracting, John Russon of Louth Cattle Market and everyone involved. It has it has kick started the numerous fund raising ventures which we have in the pipeline for the coming months."

Mrs Ward added: "Magna Vitae, who operate the London Road site, is working closely with England Hockey and it is hoped that in the foreseeable future an application will be made to Sport England for funding.  If successful, this would be a massive boost to achieving our ultimate aim of helping to raise £200,000 towards a new pitch."

"We have several other applications in the early stages of completion and the club will strive to keep adding to the astro turf pot." 

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